Technological engineer, researcher, teacher. Graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Technology (1921). Candidate of Technical Sciences (1937), Doctor of Technical Sciences (1948), Professor (1949). Worked: as an assistant, associate professor, professor at the Kharkiv Mechanical Engineering Institute (now Kharkiv Polytechnic University) (1922-1950), head of the Department of Resistance of Materials (1932-1950); Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mechanics (1936); head of the department of higher mathematics (1941-1943); Head of the Department of Resistance of Materials at the Kharkiv Electrotechnical Institute (1944-1950); Head of the Department of Resistance of Materials of Kharkiv Automobile and Road Institute (now Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University) 1950-1960).

The main directions of scientific research: operation of pneumatic transport; development of the basics of the theory of flight of air vehicles with flapping wings (rowing flight); solutions of the theory of elasticity for curved beams (traction and crane hooks); theory of calculation of load-bearing ropes for suspended roads; the question of general solutions of the basic equations of the theory of elasticity for a number of problems.

Main published works:

Pneumatic transport. - K,. 1928; Calculation of the load-bearing ropes of suspended roads. - Kharkiv, 1934; About the bend of flat curved bars and crane hooks, which are intersected by arcs of circles. – K. 1949; General solution of the three-dimensional problem of the theory of elasticity in circular cylindrical coordinates in the presence of axial symmetry. - Kharkiv, 1955; Theory of elasticity. - Kharkiv, 1964