List of scientific works 2016-2023

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  He graduated from the Kharkiv Engineering and Construction Institute in 1962, majoring in "Industrial and Civil Construction". In 1962 - 1965 - foreman, foreman, general manager. department in the construction organization Baikalskbud p/ya91. In 1965-1966, he was an engineer of Glavharkivbud. 1966 - 1969 - graduate student of the PrombudNDIproject. From 1969 to 1977, he was a researcher, a senior researcher of the PrombudNDIproject. In 1972 defended his PhD thesis. From 1977 to 2008, he was an associate professor of the bridge department of Khadi-Khna University. Since 2009, he has been a professor at the Department of Bridges, Structures and Construction Mechanics. The main direction of scientific work is the study of the actual state of bridge structures, the development of structures for the repair and reconstruction of existing bridges based on modern solutions. Received a diploma from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for publishing textbooks of the new generation. Corresponding member of the Transport Academy since 2019. The author has 156 scientific publications, 6 patents for inventions, 2 monographs, 3 textbooks and 3 teaching aids with the seal of the Ministry of Education and Culture, 4 abstracts of lectures, 32 methodological guidelines.