List of scientific works 2016-2023

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In 1962, he graduated from Khadi with a degree in "Automotive roads". In 1962-1964, he was a master of the Kirovohrad DBU. 1964-1965 service in the army. In 1966 - Master of the Kharkiv DBU. In 1966-1969 - post-graduate student, 1969-1973. - senior engineer of the Department of Bridges of Khadi. In 1972, he defended his candidate's thesis. From 1973 to 1979, he was an assistant, associate professor of the Department of Bridges. In 1979-2006, associate professor of the Department of Bridges, Structures and Construction Mechanics. In 2004-2005, he was an expert on artificial structures at the Ministry of Communications in Syria. In 2007, he defended his doctoral thesis. In 2006-2012 - professor of the department. Since September 2012 until June 2021 - Head of Department. The main direction of scientific work is the improvement of calculation methods of span structures and supports of highway bridges, rectangular tunnels, foundations of retaining walls of piles, thin walls. Received a diploma from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for publishing textbooks of the new generation. The author has more than 252 scientific works, 4 patents for inventions, including a Ukrainian dictionary of road terms, 9 textbooks and manuals, 60 methodological instructions.  

Awards: Scholarship of the President of Ukraine "Outstanding Scientist" 2019-2020, Scholarship of the President of Ukraine "Outstanding Educator" 2021-2023.