STEM education in the study of natural sciences

One of the areas of innovative development of science and mathematics education is the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) learning system, which helps children develop logical thinking and technical literacy, learn to solve problems, become innovators and inventors. STEM education will strengthen and solve the most pressing problems of the future. UNESCO's Section for Innovation and Capacity Development in Science and Engineering is compiling online STEM learning resources available for inclusive distance learning in response to COVID-19

The Proper Use of Science is Not to Conquer Nature But to Live In It.

Barry Fenofer

What do you need to know?


Ecology is the natural science of the relationships between living and non-living things in nature. It is the same science as biology or mathematics. That's why we can't say “we have a bad ecology” or “I'm saving the ecology” because we don't say “biology has become bad” or “I'm going to do something to save math”. Similarly, ecology is all sciences, they don't care.

And environmental protection is a human activity aimed at preserving or restoring valuable processes in nature. Therefore, when we refuse to use disposable plastic packaging to reduce waste generation and the associated pollution of soil, air and water, we are being eco-friendly and helping to protect nature.