of the UNESCO Chair "Environmentally Friendly Technologies" (409) is aimed at:
a) functioning of the information and advisory center with the aim of meeting the scientific, technological and educational needs of society and the main consumer of educational services - the student of higher education;
b) expert evaluation and selection of technologies, which include the analysis of ecological, sociological, economic, climate-oriented characteristics of innovative projects;
c) improvement of educational programs that ensure an increase in the level of environmental education based on the experience of advanced foreign institutions of higher education;
d) support for the implementation of the principles of gender equality in the involvement of women and girls in the field of science and technology;
e) research on ways to minimize man-made and belligerent influences on natural and anthropogenic landscapes;
e) sustainable functioning of ecological networks,
as well as support for the functioning of the Coordinating Council of the "UNITWIN / UNESCO Chairs" Program in Ukraine, the Inter-University Network of UNESCO Chairs and their international partners of mobility programs for teachers and students of higher education