The computer and engineering graphic department was founded in 1930, simultaneously with creation of the Kharkov Automobile and Highway Institute, it was named «The Department of Descriptive Geometry and Drawing». With that name the department existed during 70 years. I.L. Zhemerov was the first head of the department (1930 - 1934). Then it was headed by: V.L. Andreev (1934 - 1938), G.K. Markov (1938 - 1940), V.D. Dolgov (1940 - 1941). After Great Patriotic war had been ended and work of institute had been renewed the department continued to head by V.D. Dolgov (1945 - 1949), and then by V.G. Baranov (1949 - 1950).
The young scientist Heorgii Кonstantinovich Nikolaevskii, who just has defended candidate's dissertation in Moscow, became the head of the department in 1950. Exactly owing to his multifaceted talent, general range of interests, endless capacity, enormous organizational capabilities, the department went out on the first positions among 16 same type departments in Kharkov. Graduate school was created in 1955. Every graduate student there felt large attention and sincere personal interest of favorite leader, which spared great attention to the scientific change education. 22 candidate's dissertations have been successfully defended.
Former graduate students work both in our university and in other scientific establishments of UIS now. Scientific activity of the department in that period was concentrated on the development of complex theme «The curved lines and surfaces». This theme which united the tasks of theoretical and applied character was developed in collaboration with Kharkov Promstrojproekt, Sojuzdorproekt and other organizations. Universal methods of construction images of highways in perspective view (panoramic perspective, cinema perspective, central axonometric) were developed, framework methods of constructing carbodies surfaces, hulls of ships, working organs of earth-moving machine, blades of turbines, crooked lines and surfaces of roadways were offered by the department employees. In 1964 the scientific researches results of department’s associate professors E.S. Tomarevskaia, V.S. Sitnikov, O.D. Mikhno, O.K. Kulminskii, P.V. Panov have been represented from the Soviet Union report on ХІІ World road congress in Rome. That time scientific exploitations of department’s collective went in many textbooks on main type highways planning. Guidance activity of the department headed by H.K. Nikolaevskii was directed on inculcation to the scientific process new on that time teaching methods, which included wide use of technical facilities - dynamic models, slide film, animated cartoons, cinema fragments, television. All that made mastering such difficult course as descriptive geometry easier for students. Department’s scientific and methodical achievements have stipulated Department’s of higher and special education of USSR decision in 1967 to confirm the department supporting among the similar departments of higher educational establishments in Kharkov city.
H.K. Nikolaevsky successfully defended doctoral dissertation, founded the scientific school in 1968; got the rank of professor in 1969. On 14th of July 1969, in bloom of the creative activity, suddenly he went away from life - that was the great loss. The department was headed by G.K. Nikolaevsky student associate professor A.E. Tokar (1969 - 1970). Then the associate professor P.V. Panov became the head of the department, he was also H.K. Nikolaevsky student. He remained on this post for 7 years, prepared 2 candidates of science. In 1977 was liquidated such scientific speciality as «The aapplied geometry and engineering graphic» which was recovered only in 1987, and graduate school was closed. The associate professor I.F. Nikitin was on post of the head of the department from 1977 to 1979.
An unusual fate has professor’s H.K. Nikolaevsky student associate professor Vitaly Nikolayevich Serdyuk which (with small interruptions) headed the department from 1979 to 2004. Talented design engineer graduating student of mechanical faculty KAHI was invited to the department personally by G.K. Nikolaevsky. At first with G.K. Nikolaevsky direction, and then independently, not abandoning teaching and large social work, he successfully defended candidate's dissertation in 1977. The associate professor V.N. Serdyuk, who continued guidance work, became the head of the department in 1979, saving the best teacher’s traditions. .
In the department new disciplines were appeared: design and ergonomics, machine graphics with use of computer; new progressive teaching methods, particulary, problem teaching.
From 1984 to 1987 the associate professor M.I. Binkova carried out department’s guidance, she was former student of professor H.K. Nikolaevsky too. Since 1987 during 12 years the department was headed by the associate professor V.N. Serdyuk again. Department`s guidance exploitations in problem teaching and graphic facilities of informational system organization area, namely, the constitutive diagrams and columns were proceeded. They can be used both for treatment of different scientific information volume and for different factors estimation in the management, organization, planning, analyzing and synthesing different types of activity. Scientific researches in development of geometrical constructions and surfaces of technosphere area were proceeded, including the use of computer graphics facilities (accountable for this work were associate professor V.V. Filipov and A.V. Chernikov ).
Except the state budget scientific researches first scientific developments on khozdogovornoy basis began on the department. On the geometrical design methods base the graphic-analytical method of construction review panoramas of transport vehicles booths and earthmovers was offered. This method has been used for planning bus LAZ-4202 body, the modernized tractor Т-150К cabin, excavator EО-4321 cabin, and also during the visibility analyze of bus LAZ-698Н and passenger cars ZAZ-968А and ZAZ-1102. An alternative scheme and documentation of volume supercharger of supercharge of engine D-120Т SТ3 has been developed according to the contract with Dergachevsky turbocompressor factory. According to the contract with VO «Factory named by Мalyshev» the drawing programs of gear-wheels and block-cog-wheels have been developed with computer graphic facilities etc. Students took direct part in these processes. This period scientific developments of department’s collective were marked in many scientific works and textbooks. From 1999 to 2000 Doctor of Technical Sciences A.V. Leusenko headed the department. From 2000 to 2002 the department was led by professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences А.F. Kirichenko, who considerably renewed the collective of the department. He drew in its staff five candidates of sciences on different technical specialities.
The associate professor V.N. Serdyuk was invited on post of the head of the department again in 2002. Scientific and guidance work were directed on the geometrical modeling of objects, computerizing of engineering graphic, development of its methodical and software, searches of new teaching technologies and development of system approach to informational organization.
Since November 2004 candidate of technical sciences in area of the applied geometry and engineering graphic, associate professor Alexander Victorovich Chernikov has been elected on post of the head of the department. Graduating student of mechanic-mathematics faculty of the Kharkov state university, he started his work on department in September, 1984. With the head of the department V.N. Serdyuk`s support and with the associate professor V.V. Filipov`s direction, the first lessons of computer using for graphic works fulfillment were brought in (that was machine SM-4 with undialogical graphic language Grafor). The students of mechanical faculty first began to master the new drafts execution methods.
From 1988 to 1991 A.V. Chernikov had post-graduate study for a specified purpose on one of the leading Ukrainian departments in the Kiev building-engineering institute with the direction of professor Vsevolod Еvdokymovich Мikhaylenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Defending the candidate's dissertation (PhD thesis) devoted to the use of PC for the decision of the applied geometrical tasks in time, he returned to the department, where he continued to inculcate computer graphics in department’s scientific researches and educational process. In 1994 transition to AutoCAD package teaching on the personal computers has happened. The qualification increase courses on work in this package for all teachers of university have been conducted.
His scientific work continued at the same time. From 2001 to 2004 A.V. Chernikov studied for degree of a doctor at the Kiev building and architecture national university (also with the direction of the Doctor of Technical Sciences professor V.E. Мikhaylenko). “The development of geometrical and computer methods of design objects, processes and phenomena” was the theme of his doctoral dissertation. In April, 2008 A.V. Chernikov defended doctoral dissertation and in October Ukraine HAC confer upon the scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences on speciality «The applied geometry, engineering graphic».
Methodical instructions and educational aids for disciplines study and home jobs execution by students of all sections of descriptive geometry engineering and computer graphics course is developed and is periodically reprinted by the department’s collective. More than 1000 scientific articles and lectures, including in academic editions, were published by employees of the department for all period of its activity. The department’s teachers take active part in work of international, all Ukrainian and town scientific conferences. In these scientific forums decisions the high level of developments and their accordance to the modern demands to higher education was repeatedly mentioned. For the last 5 years more than 120 scientific works have been published.
Scientific activity of the department on modern stage is realizing in two basic directions: - development of geometrical design of processes and geometrical constructions in a technique methods; - research of teaching technology with its structural elements improvement and new information technologies introduction purpose.
The results of department’s scientific researches are repulsed in annual scientific -technical reports and publications. Except state budget researches the department also executed scientific developments for enterprises. Students’ research work is related on researches of department.
Students’ research work is related on researches of department. Many of student’s reports got the different degree diplomas in city, all Ukrainian and international competitions last few years. Annually since 1996 prepared by department’s teachers students have taken part in the all Ukrainian olympiads on descriptive geometry and computer graphics. On these olympiads, conducted in Kherson, Cherkassy, Kiev and Donetsk towns, our students repeatedly took prize places (1 place - 8 times; 2 places - 6 times; 3 places - 15 times; 4-6 places - 23 times).
Since 1986 on department the course of machine (computer) graphic has been read. Now students are studying one of the most widespread packages of computer design and modeling - AutoCAD system. At department’s disposal there is a cabinet of computer graphics, equipped with modern PC, which allows not only to study and deepen students’ skills in modern methods of planning and implementation of drafts but also to execute considerable parts of courses and diplomas projects. Department use modern versions of AutoCAD Mechanical, AutoCAD Civil 3D, Autodesk Inventor, Fusion 360, etc. for teaching. Revit and Autodesk CFD programs are planned to be introduced in the educational process, our university is the authorized licensed user.
The special programs for the reference information search by USDD standards, implementations of standard wares drafts etc. are developed on the department. All that allows to accelerate designing process. All our university’s teachers and teachers of other scientific establishments of the city promote qualification in area of modern planning design technologies on the base of department. The package Autodesk Inventor – the package of solid parametric modeling has been putting in operation on department recently. It lets not only produce the documents on design but also analyze the article that was being projected on dynamic and static loadings, do virtual experiments on article’s work regimes, create animations of work and schemes of assembly and dismantle.
У січні 2013 року з метою підвищення якості навчання студентів і забезпечення навчального процесу найсучаснішим програмним забезпеченням на базі кафедри ІКГ (в ауд. 312, що оснащена всім необхідним обладнанням) була організована «Точка присутності» Autodesk у формі «Освітнього центра».
Для забезпечення підтримки з боку компанії Autodesk була укладена рамкова угода по стратегічному партнерству в сфері освіти між корпорацією Autodesk та Університетом (на що отриманий відповідний Сертифікат).
Дане стратегічне партнерство по спільній реалізації ініціатив, спрямованих на розвиток освіти дозволить вирішувати наступні задачі:
Основні очікувані результати:
Відповідальним від університету призначений завідувач кафедрою «Інженерної і комп'ютерної графіки», доктор техн. наук, професор Черніков О.В.
Значний внесок у розвиток кафедри зробили доктор технічних наук, професор Анатолій Іванович Павлов, кандидати технічних наук, доценти Євгенія Степанівна Томаревська, Володимир Степанович Ситніков, Олег Данилович Міхно, Олег Костянтинович Кульмінський, В’ячеслав Васильович Філіппов, Олександр Миколайович Врублевський, Ірина Анатоліївна Перевозник, Володимир Якович Даниленко, старші викладачі Аліна Дмитрівна Біріна, Галина Григорівна Губарєва, Віктор Андрійович Мошенський, Віктор Іванович Плигун, Ніна Гаврилівна Сиротенко, Софія Миколаївна Холодова, Агнеса Яківна Поліванова, Вікторія Олексіївна Попова, Юрій Федорович Гапонов та ін.